Saturday, August 30, 2014

Solemnization Iqbar & Lina

Another fun project at Paya Jaras. Got a call from from the event planner asking if we're available for a shoot at 2 PM, I was like, what!!! it's 12 noon and I'm just having my breakfast on a Saturday morning. Was planning a quite weekend and having a good rest after a hard day work.
Well, a job is a job, prepare my self for the shoot and of to paya jaras. The couple's solemnization event place. Luckily we had a detour few moths ago and ends up at paya jaras area, we were like, where are we now? fun experience though detour to a place you're not familiar of, we manage to get out from Paya Jaras and head of to our destination. Well, that detour experience ease our time in looking for the couple's place. Reach there just before 2pm, we're early but we're already late for the preparation of the function. Well, as a shooter, we have to be adaptable at any situation. Enough of the detail let's enjoy the shoot out.

Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Wedding Songs Maybe....

These are some Song that might get your attention or maybe have gotten yours as your wedding song.


Maybe...Maybe Not

Last.... I think

All the above are some song maybe or maybe NOT suits for you. Anyway it is, do enjoy the song you have chosen on your wedding day. Nothing makes your wedding a happening one then a great song and music.

Wedding Reception Khairul Anwar & Safira

Their definitely enjoying their Wedding day held at Khairul's house located in Puchong.
Do Enjoy the picture as we did enjoy shooting the event.